Monday, May 12, 2008

Fish Club - All about Fish


Fish are aquatic vertebrates that are typically ectothermic , covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins. Fish are abundant in the sea and in fresh water, with species being known from mountain streams as well as in the deepest depths of the ocean . They are of tremendous importance as food for people around the world, either collected from the wild or farmed in much the same way as cattle or chickens . Fish are also exploited for recreation, through angling and fish keeping, and are commonly exhibited in public aquaria. Fish have an important role in many cultures through the ages, ranging as widely as deities and religious symbols to subjects of books and popular movies.Aquarium is divided as fresh water aquarium and salt water aquarium here.

Fresh Water Aquarium


Tiger Barb

Cardinal Tetra



Fire mouth


Don't ever overfeed the animals. Make sure you change 1/4 to 1/2 of the water at least once a month. Keep a separate aquarium for new or sick animals. When the water evaporates, add fresh water. Finally, make sure to test pH and ammonia daily. Nitrates should be checked at least once a week.

Salt Water Aquarium


Blue Devil

Butterfly Fish


Hippo Tang

Lion Fish

Maroon Clown

Powder Blue Tang

Rabbit Fish
